
The Benedictine Witness

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2024 feat. Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery Statue; Thankful for Each Sister; Sister Jill West’s Retirement; Advent and Christmas greetings.

The Benedictine Witness, July 2024 feat. Bismarck Diocese assumes Catholic Sponsorship of St. Vincent’s and Marillac Manor; Preserving Our Legacy; Sister Patti celebrates her Silver Jubilee.

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2023 feat. Sister Jill West elected to the council of the Monastic Congregation; cemetery fence project; + Sister Ruth Fox

The Benedictine Witness, June 2023 feat. Prioress election; Sister Kathleen Kuntz celebrates her 75th Jubilee!; Sister Lucille Heidt celebrates her 70th Jubilee!; + Sister Carol Axtmann

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2022

The Benedictine Witness, July 2022 feat. Sister Phoebe Schwartze celebrates her 25th Anniversary!; Sister Janeane Klein and Sister Dolores Heidt celebrate their 70th Jubilee!

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2021 feat. Sister Anna Rose Ruhland celebrates her 60th Jubilee!

The Benedictine Witness, July 2021 feat. Preservation of Our History – donations to ND State Historical Society

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2020   feat. + Sr. Monica Thome & + Sr. Mary William Stadick; Sr. Marie receives Spiritual Direction certificate; Richardton monastery sold

The Benedictine Witness, May 2020

The Benedictine Witness, Dec. 2019   feat. Merry Christmas, reflections from the Sisters on their move to Dickinson

The Benedictine Witness, Oct. 2019   feat. the Sisters’ move to Dickinson

The Benedictine Witness 2018   feat. Sister Monica’s 100th Birthday; Sisters Kathleen, Mary William, and Laura celebrate Jubilees

The Benedictine Witness 2017-2   feat. Sister Michael celebrates 60th Jubilee; Sr. Patti wins art award; Christmas greetings

The Benedictine Witness 2017-1   feat.  The Lord Welcomes… Sister Brigid; Sister Marie Hunkler Celebrates Golden Jubilee

The Benedictine Witness 2016   feat.  Our Centennial Year; Sister Carol Celebrates 60th Jubilee

SHM eZine – Mar 2016

The Benedictine Witness 2015-2   feat.  Sister Perpetua Steiner Enters Eternal Life with Joy and Gladness

The Benedictine Witness 2015-1   feat.  A Monastic Vocation Rejoices in Golden Jubilee (Sister Renée Branigan)

The Benedictine Witness 2014-2   feat.  November 30 Begins the Year of Consecrated Life Throughout the World

The Benedictine Witness 2014-1   feat.  We Praise the Lord for the Faithfulness of Our Sister Jubilarians! – Sisters Annella Gardner, Brigid McLean, Monica Thome, Perpetua Steiner and Ruth Fox

The Benedictine Witness 2013-2   feat.  I Believe I Shall See the Good Things of the Lord… Sister Louise Wirtz memorial

The Benedictine Witness 2013-1   feat.  You Will Show Me the Path of Life… Sister Lucille Heidt 60th Jubilee

Promise of the Prairie

Promise of the Prairie 2018-1  feat.   Our Collaborative Plans for the Best Giving Day, February 8

Promise of the Prairie 2017-2  feat.   Giving and Receiving: A Reflection on the Relationship of Caring

Promise of the Prairie 2017-1  feat.   Generous Hearts Grace Giving Hearts Day with the Best Year Yet!

Promise of the Prairie 2016-2   feat.  Sacred Heart Benedictine Foundation Establishes an Endowment Fund

Promise of the Prairie 2016-1   feat.  We Are Grateful for “Reflections” of 20 Celebrate the West Events

Promise of the Prairie 2015-2   feat.  Come, Fill our Room So We Truly Celebrate the West

Promise of the Prairie 2015-1   feat.  Open House in celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life

Promise of the Prairie 2014-2   feat. Monastic Hospitality: Let All Be Welcomed as Christ

Promise of the Prairie 2014-1   feat.  “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.”